I have recently launched a few online marketing blogs, one of which went live earlier today. www.IndianapolisImport.com was created to drive business to my husband at the Infiniti dealership where he works. He is going to be using the site to increase the search engine traffic to their store’s website, as well as drive online leads to his email. My online marketing plan for this website is going to be using a combination of Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, email marketing and online video to drive Infiniti business to the dealership. We will be adding new posts to the website a few times a week, using search engine optimization to target some of the top Infiniti keywords. I will post some results once the site starts appearing in Google and Yahoo.
IndyCarBuyer.com is another site that was originally created to drive traffic in to a Chevrolet dealership in Indianapolis. The blog was indexed very well in both Google and Yahoo and the traffic was continuing to build every day. At the time of this post, the blog was appearing #1 in Yahoo for the search term ‘Indianapolis Chevrolet’. Recently, the site has been converted to a website to post news and specials for a variety of car manufacturers, not just GM. As the site gets re-indexed, I will be monitoring the progress in the search engines, but I expect some good results.
I am also getting ready to start a new blog for a move management company in Indianapolis, called Relocation Strategies. Recently nationally WBE certified business owner, Melissa Brown, will be using the blog to drive business to their website through case study updates and general news and information pertinent to her client base. I will be working with her business to optimize their posts and get their website ranked in the top of the search engines. Look for that blog to be posted to www.Relostrategies.com in late June.
Blogs can be a great way to drive organic search engine traffic to your website. For more information on how you can start blogging, contact me at blog@commorato.com.