Posts Tagged ‘Good Dog Hotel’

Pet Supply Drive to Benefit Indianapolis-area Animals

Saturday, November 19th, 2011

Hugo The Frenchie

Hugo the Frenchie needs your help to make the holidays a little better for Indianapolis- area shelter animals. Beginning November 19th, a&g Digital Consulting will be collecting pet supply donations for both Indianapolis Animal Care & Control and the Southside Animal Shelter. These local animal shelters depend on the support of the community to be able to give the best possible care to the dogs and cats who are waiting for a chance to be adopted.

Here is a list of items that are on the wish lists for both organizations.

Urgent items:
Southside Animal Shelter – Warm blankets to keep the animals warm this winter
Indianapolis Animal Care and Control – Canned Dog and Cat Food

Dog and cat hard food
Canned dog and cat food
Dog chews and treats
Cat treats
Peanut Butter (creamy) or other Kong type filler
Rabbit and rodent food
Horse and livestock feed

Pet Toys
Dog and cat toys
Sterilized natural beef bones

Paper towels
Lime Away™
Large trash bags
Scrub brushes
Spray bottles
Rubber boots
Latex disposable gloves (med & large)
Dish soap
Laundry detergent
Mop heads (string type)
Scouring pads
Laundry Detergent (liquid)

Pet items
Thick, warm blankets for the cages
Clay Cat Litter (Southside Animal Shelter alone uses 300# per week)
Puppy Pee Pads
Cage Water Buckets (large)

Paper Plates & Towels
Copy paper

Pet Miscellaneous
Hydrogen peroxide
Rubbing alcohol
Pet clippers
Grooming brushers
Nail trimmers
Digital thermometers
Pet shampoo
Flea control products
Large fans
Hand sanitizer
Manure pick/fork
Horse brush
Hoof picks
Horse and pony halters
Fly spray
Large trash barrels
Pet carriers

If you would like to participate, please bring your items to one of the businesses below by December 19th, 2011. If you would like to schedule a pickup of your items, please send an to email or call 317-417-7070. Thank you for making the lives of shelter animals a little better this holiday.

Angie Commorato
a&g Digital Consulting, LLC

Drop Off Points (please click on the business name below for more information.):

Dreyer & Reinbold Infiniti – North
9370 Whitley Drive
Indianapolis,IN 46240
(Ask for Joe Commorato if you have any pet supply drive questions.)

Log Cabin Animal Hospital
11060 Fall Creek Road
Indianapolis,IN 46256

Good Dog Hotel & Spa
5345 N. Winthrop Ave.
Indianapolis, IN 46220