Posts Tagged ‘indianapolis web design’

a&g Welcomes a New Team Member

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Machelle Young - Project Manager at a&ga&g Digital Consulting would like to welcome Machelle Young to our team of talented marketing extraordinaires. In the Project Manager role, Machelle manages all aspects of client project organization and completion, ensuring processes run smoothly, goals are achieved, and deadlines are met. With a business degree focusing on management, Machelle has the education and background to tackle complex projects with ease.  She is no stranger to managing design projects as well as online marketing and analytics, having spent the past 10 years as a Marketing Services Coordinator and Project Manager. Her former roles taught her the importance of following a job through from start to finish, while giving 100% attention at each stage of the process. Prior to working in Marketing, Machelle spent 4 years in Business Management and Recruiting. She is dedicated to supporting clients by helping them through the process of making strategic changes to their websites and/or online marketing efforts.

The Tough Questions

1. Favorite sports team? The Indianapolis Colts.  (the proof is in the wedding pics)
2. Describe yourself in three words.  Sarcastic, joyful, & devoted.
3. What is the last book you read? “Full Dark No Stars” by Stephen King.
4. Favorite song to play on Rockband?  Proud Mary by Creedence Clearwater Revival.
5. Super power of choice? The power of flight.
6. Dogs or Cats (keep the logo in mind)? My choice is DOGS of course! I like them so much, I adopted one as big as a horse!

Tomato Fish Marketing Announces New Strategic Partnership with A&G Digital Consulting

Friday, March 12th, 2010


INDIANAPOLIS, IN (March 11, 2010) – Tomato Fish Marketing, a marketing and design firm and a&g Digital Consulting, LLC, a web design and online marketing firm, announced their strategic partnership to collectively offer their clients a complete online business solution.  TFM and a&g will be able to help their clients improve their overall branding and increase sales conversions through quality leads through a combination of strategic online marketing planning and implementation.

About Tomato Fish Marketing
Tomato Fish Marketing is an Indianapolis-based WBE certified marketing and design consulting firm delivering a holistic approach to online marketing communications since 2005.  The goal of Tomato Fish Marketing is to positively impact the quality of marketing and design for non-profit and for-profit organizations through their TOMI System™ (Targeted Online Marketing & Implementation). This system provides a comprehensive approach to marketing with a focus on creating strong marketing foundations and qualified leads.  What the heck, you may ask, is a “tomato fish”?  Go to to hear their story and learn about their services.

About a&g Digital Consulting
a&g Digital Consulting is a marketing firm, specializing in web design and online marketing. Working with businesses throughout Indiana, they are able to bring over 12 years of experience in designing, developing and marketing websites.  The goal of a&g is to become the full service solution for the web and marketing needs for B2C businesses.  While offering a complete list of website design and development services, a&g focuses on the post-launch marketing, maintenance and tracking of their client’s websites. For more information visit a&g online at


Tomato Fish Marketing, LLC

Brooke DeRam, Owner


a&g Digital Consulting

Angie Commorato, Owner


Indianapolis Web Design Available for Just $999

Wednesday, September 30th, 2009

How much can you expect to pay for web design for your business? Rates will vary depending on the location of the web design company and the experience that they offer. For example, our business, a&g Digital Consulting, LLC, is located in Indianapolis and our Indianapolis web design rates start from $999 for our new starter website package.  While we offer over 12 years experience in web design, search engine optimization and online marketing, we wanted to design a website design package for small businesses and start-ups who want to start small and have the ability to expand their website later.

Our new affordable website design package includes the following:

• Your choice of two designs, complete with your logo and color scheme

• A contact form to allow your potential contacts to email you directly from your website

• Up to 5 pages of client supplied information for your website. (Page examples include Home, Contact Us, Services, FAQ, About Us)

• Basic web hosting for just $15 a month – If you already have web hosting, we can work with that as well

• Add a blog for an additional $199 – add the ability to easily add news, updates and information to your website

• Add additional pages for just $75 a page

    Here are a few website design samples built with this package:

    Web Design Sample 1

    Starter Web Design Sample 1

    Starter Web Design Sample #2

    Starter Web Design Sample #2

    Starter Web Design Sample #3

    Starter Web Design Sample #3

    Our goal is to have your website online in just 5 business days. When you sign up for this package, we will work with you to gather the information for the website. While that is happening, we will create your designs and have those to you for approval within 2 business days.

    If you thought that it was too complex or time consuming to put together a website for your business,  let us assure you that we want to make the process as easy as possible. Contact us today to get started on your website design.

    a&g Digital Consulting, LLC Joins Fishers Chamber of Commerce

    Sunday, September 13th, 2009

    In August of 2009, a&g Digital Consulting, LLC officially joined the Fishers Chamber of Commerce. Offering web design and website marketing to Indiana businesses, they will actively be participating in local networking events to promote their services. With over 11 years experience in web related marketing, a&g hopes to help Indianapolis area businesses reach their online marketing goals.

    a&g's mascot, Hugo, getting ready to attend the Fishers Chamber of Commerce Pet Day and Business Market

    a&g's mascot, Hugo, getting ready to attend the Fishers Chamber of Commerce Pet Day and Business Market

    Many local Fishers business's displayed their products and services at the Fishers Business Market.

    Many local Fishers business's displayed their products and services at the Fishers Business Market.

    Hugo makes some friends at the Fishers Chamber of Commerce Pet Day and Business Market

    Hugo makes some friends at the Fishers Chamber of Commerce Pet Day and Business Market

    For more information: – Indianapolis web design and website marketing – Fishers Chamber of Commerce

    Planning for Your New Website

    Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009

    When I meet an established business without a web presence, I find myself wondering how they have survived this long without it. Often times, they just don’t know where to start and the thought of putting together the site becomes overwhelming.

    My job is to make the process relatively painless for a business. Sure, I am going to need some general information in regards to company history, staff and services, but usually, I can take it from there. Below is a partial list of questions that I ask a potential new customer when planning their website.

    1. Do you currently have a company logo or color scheme?

    2. Are there any special features that you would like on your website? (Blog, database use, search capability, e-commerce  – don’t worry, I explain these)

    3. Are there any websites that you like? I always encourage companies to not only look at businesses within their industry, but also other websites which might catch their eye.

    4. Do you currently own your domain name ( Want to see if your name is available, search here.If you business name is not available, try adding something short for your location, for example if I could not get, I may have chosen

    5. Would you like free business emails included with your website hosting? If so, please provide a list of emails that you would like to have.

    This is typically enough information to get me started. If you are requiring some additional functionality, such as offering the ability to sell online or database information, there would be a few more questions that I would need before I could provide a quote.

    If you are needing a website, please contact us today for a free quote.

    Real Estate On the Verge

    Saturday, July 11th, 2009

    I don’t normally re-post other people’s articles, but I am currently working on developing a business blog and corporate identity for Knox County Realty, LLC, located in Vincennes, Indiana, and this article was fitting. I have yet to speak with a client in any industry where it doesn’t make sense to build a website for their business, but for this particular client, I can see a huge potential for online promotion. This article makes some great points about taking advantage of the current slump in the market. Prepare your real estate business now with a informative website presence and help turn your followers in to home buyers.

    Real Estate on the Verge
    By Michael Stark

    Declining prices, a credit crisis and millions of foreclosures pushed the real estate market to the brink. Commissions are under attack. Sellers try to connect directly with buyers. Investors crave to know about deals before they hit the MLS (multiple listing service). And consumer frustration makes matters worse.

    The National Association of Realtors (NAR) reported on May 12, 2009, that first quarter sales were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 4.59 million homes and condos sold. The population of prospects is enormous when you add in all of those struggling to sell, buyers on the fence, approximately 1.1 million realtors, and countless lenders, escrow, insurance and home improvement contractors. The real estate vertical seems poised for a gold rush.

    Current tools used for marketing this depressed market — PPC advertising, banners and even e-mail — are not working as well as in the past. There is simply too much inventory. Therefore, claiming your stake in the virgin vertical of real estate means moving your covered wagons across a great divide. This new land of opportunity is ready to settle, and it starts with forming long-term relationships with those steeped in the industry. When the housing market rebounds, this will put your business in a position to fuel the impending boom.

    The first obstacle is to understand that people are not leads. Investors, sellers, realtors and lenders are real people involved in a very long business sales cycle. Enterprises that can help these individuals and businesses through the process, while serving up products and services will gain trust, respect and profit. Your site will bookmark, brand and build if you educate, enlighten and enable individuals.

    Pioneers scouting the real estate territory should understand its five sub-verticals, with some sites blending two or more.

    1. Sites that allow MLS search. Most agent sites provide a local service. is great nationally.
    2. Sites that deliver blogs and news. A good blog can provide important news, featured listings or valuable resources. is a nice example.
    3. Sites mashing up census, neighborhood and lifestyle content such as
    4. Sites providing valuations and sales data, such as
    5. Free and paid sites that assist FSBO (for sale by owner) sellers. Free sites syndicating postings to other sites and search engines are the most popular.

    To grow your prospective or existing real estate business, contact the top sites in each sub-vertical, and entice them to sell your products or services on a CPA (Cost Per Acquisition) or CPL (Cost Per Lead) basis. You might find that some site owners ask to be compensated for access to their database and audience.

    Even more opportunities can be found by exploring the angles involved in each real estate transaction. With some creative thought and planning, the list of possibilities grow. For example:

    * Buyers are interested in loans, investments strategies, foreclosures and sales data. Any one of these topics could make for a nice side blog to your website, or consultancy work.
    * Sellers want tools beyond yard signs, flyers and print ads. They need websites, e-mail, SEM and SEO services, and help engaging prospects — social media strategies and video production.
    * When a property doesn’t sell in a timely manner, rental options are needed. This involves prospects, community organizations, and even moving companies.
    * Contractors are always needed in every real estate market to make repairs and prepare properties for selling or renting.

    In the foreseeable future, times will continue to be tough for real estate buyers, sellers, realtors, lenders, contractors and insurance professionals. But now is the time to connect with this demographic. Show them how your product or service will improve their life, and you’ll discover a huge new source for customers — now and, more importantly, in the profitable times to follow.

    Don’t Let Web Analytics Intimidate Your Small Business

    Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

    In a time of tightened budgeting and online, knowing all about your web visitors is more important than ever. Many hosting platforms offer website traffic statistics but tracking your conversions is usually not something that is offered by these applications. While there are many great statistic software applications available for purchase, I often recommend Google Analytics to many small businesses for several reasons. Google Analytics can be implemented fairly easily in to your website, by placing a chunk of code on every page of the site. After the site is confirmed, you will be able to access your site visitor information, down to the city of the visitor. The best part? Google Analytics is free.

    There is a learning curve to the program and information overload can happen if you don’t know where to focus your attention. If you want to start with a general overview of what is happening on your website, I would recommend monitoring a few specific categories.

    1. Unique Visitors: I often hear businesses discussing “hits” on their websites and using that for a gauge on how they website is performing. This number can highly overestimate the popularity of your website. A hit is registered whenever one of the many files on your website is loaded. For example, a single page in your site might have 10 images, as well as 2 script files within it’s code. This page could register 12 or more hits from one single visit to the  web page. For that reason, I monitor unique visitors. This number will provide a more accurate way of monitoring the number of people who come to your site, excluding multiple visits from the same computer.

    2. Referring Sources – Having spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on marketing during my career, I consider the referral data on your statistics to be very important. The referring sources will be able to tell you who is sending you traffic. This can be very valuable if you are spending company time exposing your business to the social networking marketing mediums, or more importantly, paying for display and paid search marketing.

    3. Conversion – This is the most important statistic that you are going to monitor, hands down. You can drive all of the traffic in the world to your site, but if they are not turning in to a customer, then you have some work to do. Google Analytics allows you to place some code on your site at what you consider to be the point of conversion. For most businesses, this is the order confirmation page, which thanks them for placing their order. However a business’s goal may be to drive an online information request lead or to drive a phone call. In these cases, placing the code on the contact form confirmation or on the contact page itself can give you an idea of the interest in your particular conversion. Either way, if you are getting the traffic without conversions, it is time to dig deeper in to your site to find out what is happening. In these cases, bounce rates and average time spent on the site by a visitor can get you pointed in the right direction.

    For more information on conversion tracking on your website, contact Angie Commorato at Angie is an Indianapolis based web consultant and owner of the online marketing company, a&g Digital Consulting, LLC.